Wednesday, August 08, 2007

BabelCon Pics

Here are some pics of me at BabelCon. I'll have more to follow as I blog about it throughout the week.

Here I am, trying to sell my wares. The wire book holder was provided.

Me again. The book next to me was written by Randy Richards. It's called Dreadmire, and it's a D&D gaming book. I don't know much about D&D, but I know you can find out more about Dreadmire and Randy at Also, be sure to thank Randy if you see him. He's one of the people who put this whole thing together.

This shot wasn't suppsed to happen. I was holding the book, explaining the plot to a potential customer. Then I saw Randy holding a camera, and I immediately posed.

This was one of the scientists at BabelCon. They don't read much fiction.


Anonymous said...

That surprise photo is hilarious. One of my faves.

M. B. Weston said...

Yeah, that one was funny. I really enjoyed that!