Saturday, May 26, 2007

And On to Out of the Shadows!

This is the first day I’ve begun work on Out of the Shadows in over four months. (Blame Weston Commercial Cleaning for that one.) I’m so excited, but I’m annoyed because I’m currently working on the “Earth” part of the story—the Tommy storyline, and I have so many things that need to be changed from the first draft. And I’m not talking about simple grammar mistakes either. I’m talking about major plot changes and logic loophole changes—serious revision type things. It will take at least a week to sort everything, and then to fix it…? That might take a while.

And I’ve only got until the end of June when I need to get the 2nd draft into the hands of my advance readers. Lots of work ahead.

For more information on my novel, A Prophecy Forgotten: Book I of the Elysian Chronicles, and my upcoming novel, Out of the Shadows: Book II of the Elysian Chronicles, check out my website at

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