Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Into Seclusion!

My friend, Sasha, is flying to Switzerland next Friday, and she wants to take my sequel with her to “grade.” (Sasha is one of my readers who reads my second drafts and critiques them for me.) That gives me about a week and a few days to get the stupid thing ironed out—at least the Heaven’s Realm part. If I can finish the sequel by then, I can get it to my readers before Christmas, which would give them time to read and critique Out of the Shadows during their vacation. To accomplish this goal, I’m going to have to put myself back into seclusion until December 8th. Therefore, I won’t be blogging until I come out of seclusion next Friday. See you all then!

For more information on my debut novel, A Prophecy Forgotten, check out my website at

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