Monday, March 05, 2007

When You're Working Three Jobs, Don't PMS Without Chocolate!

Or, It's Hard to Write When You're Working Three Jobs and Volunteering with Youth.

Yes, I know, I should be writing every day. In fact, many writers from last weekend's conference were so kind as to point that out to me. But seriously, take a look at my life. Today, I have to leave in about fifteen minutes to go to....

Job Number 1: employee of Weston Commercial Cleaning. I shall leave and clean a salon for an hour, after which I shall eat a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich because fast food costs too much and go to my next cleaning job, which will take me at least three hours. Once 10:00pm hits, I have to pick up my husband from the airport. I will probably not get home until 12:00. Then I shall go to sleep until I wake up, at which time I shall begin ....

Job Number 2: cook the books for Naples Christian Academy. I'm a month behind because I've been working on jobs 1 and 3 and because my computer crashed. I shall work on Job Number 2 until I am finally caught up, but that will take all day for the next three days, and that doesn't count the audit that I have to endure. Of course, I have to stop everything in the middle of the day to work on Job Number 1. Once I find a few minutes here and there, I shall work on:

Job Number 3: cook the books for Weston Commerical Cleaning. Taxes are due ASAP, so I've got to make sure everything is right before I send it to the accountant. That will take at least a day to a day-and-a-half. At least I'm kind of all caught up with Weston Commerical Cleaning bills.

That doesn't count doing the family bills and laundry, keeping the house clean for home showings every weekend, being my own publicist and showing up at schools/libraries, etc. for speeches to tell people about my book that is not yet out, finding time to attend my cousin's wedding this weekend, which will hurt the cleaning schedule, finish updating all my e-mails that I've lost since my computer crashed, volunteer with the church youth group and the Young Writers of Naples, and somehow in the middle of all that, finding time to sleep so I won't turn into a lunatic.

So yes, I haven't had time to write in about a month. No that doesn't make me a bad writer who isn't going to accomplish anything with her writing career. It makes me exhausted, and I'm hormonal and out of chocolate!

(The good news is that this too shall pass. I'm about to pass on the NCA books to some other poor soul, and once Weston Commercial cleaning begins to take on more clients, I can scale back on the cleaning work. And Greg wants to take over some of the bills, so I'll be back on track soon. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go pack the car and find some dark chocolate.)

For more information on my debut novel, A Prophecy Forgotten, check out my website at

1 comment:

Raven Bower said...

Seems like you need a cleaning crew too!

*Slides over a bag of dark chocolate kisses*

Dark's the grandest of things. And you are much in need of them.

Being your own publicist is a ton of work. I don't think many people realize that. The research, phone time and footwork sucks up a lot of time and energy. The plus side is - it'll pay off! It might take time, but it will.

Then you have tax stuff with writing too, on top of the cleaning business...oiy.