Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, 2007 is finally here. I'm not usually one for New Year's Resolutions, mainly because I don't keep them, but I am going to list a few just for fun.

1. Achieve and maintain a body weight of 135 pounds.
2. Finish Out of the Shadows, A Prophecy Forgotten's sequel.
3. Sell 10,000 copies of A Prophecy Forgotten.

And now the "you must be dreaming" resolutions:
4. Appear on Oprah.
5. Hit the New York Times Best Seller list.
6. A movie contract would be nice, but I'll settle for an option....

By the way, check out my new first chapter. I made a few adjustments.

For more information on my debut novel, A Prophecy Forgotten, check out my website at

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